In confirmation, Christians officially respond to the commitment God made to them at baptism. For most Lutherans, confirmation happens in the teenage years. Here at Trinity, the confirmation process starts in Grade 7 with confirmation class and ends two years later with a great celebration in church. Once confirmed, people are full members of the church. This includes privileges like the ability to vote at Annual Meetings, and the ability to become a godparent. And of course, there is youth group along with many other ways to be involved!
Trinity will be teaming up with Holy Spirit Lutheran Church this year (2022) to share in Confirmation classes! Pastor Erin will team teach with Pastors Lindsey and Trish as we support our students to grow in faith and community.
Confirmation classes will be on Tuesday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:30 PM, starting Tuesday, September 20th. All classes, unless otherwise specified, will be at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (11223 – 51st Avenue). There is a $50 fee to help cover snack and material costs for the year.
Current confirmation classes
Registration is in the fall for people entering Grade 7 that year.
Please contact us for details, and also for confirmation of people of other ages.