
The Faith Discussion Group

We have posted information about this group under Education. It can be found here.

Joining a study, service or fellowship group is an excellent way to get to know fellow church members and to help us grow as God’s servants in many ways. There is no shortage of groups or committees at Trinity for you to prayerfully consider joining.

This list includes all Ongoing Groups, Occasional Groups and Committees. Please visit our Music, Children and Youth Tabs on the left for information relating to groups meeting to share those interests. For more information on any of the groups below, please contact the church office.

Ongoing Groups

Adult Bible Study – Every Wednesday at 6:30pm. All are invited to this opportunity to grow in their faith. Learn things you did not know and participate in questions and discussion. No time to make supper? Join us for a meal at 5:30pm already (freewill offering).

Caregiver Support Group – For those caring for a relative or friend. While we have many caregivers around the congregation, they are not meeting at this time. Call the church office to arrange a conversation if your caregiving duties are overwhelming you….

Confirmation class – Young people in grades 7–9 get together Wednesdays at 6:30pm to learn more about their faith, and to have fun together.

English Choir – Rehearses every Wednesday at 7:30pm. No previous experience necessary. Expand your vocal skills under the terrific leadership of our music director, and serve God through singing.

Faith Discussion Group – This group is so much more than a Christian book club. Its members meet every second Sunday evening in a home near the church and read books related to the Christian faith as the basis for their discussion. All are welcome, most particularly people new to the congregation. Call the church office for meeting details.

Fellowship Group – This is a small group of women who use their love of crocheting and knitting to make scarves, mittens, afghans and other craft items to be donated to a range of good causes. The group meets every Wednesday at 1:30pm for devotions (in English and German) and to work jointly on various projects. Every third Wednesday of the month, instead of knitting they invite their friends and hold a movie afternoon. The church office can put you in touch with the organizers, in case you are interested.

Food Bank Volunteers – These dedicated volunteers, some of whom are also Social Justice Committee members, take shifts one Monday or Tuesday evening per month, in order to take orders or to staff the Food Bank Depot operating at Trinity every week. This is a terrific volunteer opportunity which will make you aware of the challenges some of our neighbours face, and train you in customer service.

German Choir – Rehearses every Thursday at 10:45am. No previous experience necessary. Expand your vocal skills under the terrific leadership of our music director, and serve God through singing. The choir pieces are in German, but the rehearsals are held in English.

German Bible Study – The men and women who come to church on Thursdays at noon come primarily to reflect on the weekly Sunday Bible readings under the guidance of one of the pastors. Everyone is welcome!

Leaf Groups – These are groupings of congregational members who help in a monthly rotation on Sunday morning as greeters or ushers or to set up communion, as well as coffee after church. Contact the church office to find out which Leaf Colour you are (based on the geographic location of your home address) and to find out whether your Leaf neighbours also plan Bible studies, prayer chains or other events outside Sunday mornings and closer to home!

Triniteens/Trinity Youth – Our youth meet at least once a month for fellowship, growing in their faith, and fun. Please contact the office to find out about upcoming events, or to be put on the youth email list.

Trinetten & Trinity Men (German) – This group of 50 – 60 German-speaking seniors meets monthly for fellowship and a monthly topic of interest. They also plan Spring and Christmas sing-a-longs, organize or attend picnics, and serve the congregation in a range of ways including serving food at funerals. The church office can provide contact information should you be interested in joining this group.

Trinity Lutheran Women (TLW) – This group meets for Bible study on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10 AM. They also plan special events, host lunches for funerals and other functions, nurture their faith and strengthen the congregation in a range of ways. Let the church office know you are interested in being contacted with more specific meeting information.

Occasional Groups

Please inquire in the church office about upcoming meetings of these groups.

Trinity Instrumental Ensemble – Plays in worship about once a month.

Youth Band – Plays in worship about once a month, and in the Saturday Kaleidoscope services. Please inquire in the church office about rehearsal times (usually a Wednesday evening).

Youth Brass Band – Plays occasionally in worship. All skill levels welcome.


Church Council – Members of Council are elected by the congretation (usually at the Annual Congregational Meeting) to guide and assist in the ministry of the entire congregation. Council meets one Tuesday evening per month.

Communication Committee – This group is responsible for the church newsletters, as well as for this website. If you have an interest in writing, editing, graphic design, desktop publishing, photography, web-development or translation, you are more than welcome to join. Meetings are sporadic, on an as-needed basis.

Finance Committee – Members of this committee come from a range of backgrounds. They keep a watchful and prayerful eye on monies coming in and going out of the church treasury.

Property Committee – This committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the church premises and related issues. It usually meets the first Wednesday of every month.

Social Justice Committee – This very active committee spearheads a number of events and initiatives with the intent of achieving justice for and bringing support to the marginalized. These include running Trinity’s Food Bank Depot, co-hosting Community Dinners, and providing workshops on a variety of topics. To get involved, call the church office to ask for contact information and upcoming meeting dates.

Sunday School Teachers – These teachers meet from time to time and invite parents to join in on discussion related to Christian Education.

Worship & Music Committee – Members of this committee take a keen interest in questions related to worship planning, liturgical styles, songbook selection, etc. The church office can provide you with meeting details if this is your area of interest.

Youth Ministry Committee – Committee members help support the work of the various youth groups and ventures. Members tend to be parents or grandparents of current youth group participants. Contact the church office for details on meeting times and current initiatives.