We are privileged to share our church building with a number of community partners. As well, we support local community organizations in a number of ways:
Edmonton Food Bank
Trinity Lutheran Church is a food bank depot for the Strathcona area in Edmonton. People requiring a food hamper are asked to call our volunteers at 780.433.1604 on Monday evenings between 6 and 7 pm (closed on holidays). Food hampers are then assembled by the Edmonton Food Bank and brought to Trinity for distribution on Tuesday evenings between 7:00 and 7:30 pm. Please bring sturdy shopping bags when picking up your food.
Community Dinners
On the first andthird Tuesday of every month Trinity Lutheran Church, with the support of several other congregations from the Strathcona community, hosts a dinner for the neighbourhood. The dinner is particularly popular among the poor and homeless in our community. The dinners are served from 6 to 8 pm. Everyone is welcome; those that can afford to make a contribution are encouraged to do so to help defray the costs of the dinners for others.
Trinity Community Garden
This community garden is located right next to the church, on land provided by the church. The garden’s goal is goal is to create an environment that nourishes body, mind, spirit, and community – by growing vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers in a beautiful mix. It is not necessary to be a church member to be a member of the garden. Priority is given to people who live in the neighbourhood and who do not have other gardening opportunities. Please go here for more information.
Helping Hands Preschool
Helping Hands Preschool meets in the basement of Trinity Lutheran Church, Monday through Friday 9:15am – 12:15pm. God willing, Helping Hands will expand into a daycare in the fall of 2014. Please go here for more information.
Synod of Alberta and the Territories
Trinity belongs to the Synod (regional grouping) of Alberta and the Territories of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The main offices of the ABT Synod are located on the second floor of the parish hall at Trinity Lutheran Church. Further information about the ABT Synod can be found here.
The Historical Society of Germans from Poland and Volhynia
The library of the Historical Society of Germans from Poland and Volhynia (HSGPV) is housed in the church basement. It is open every Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm.
“Anonymous” Groups
We have several “Anonymous” groups meeting in our building every week: AA Acceptance Meeting Monday nights, Al-Anon “Courage to Change” Thursday nights, Cocaine Anonymous “New Beginnings” Friday nights, and Narcotics Anonymous “Saturday Night Live” Saturday nights. There is also a (non-Anonmymous) Women’s Support Group Friday mornings. Please go to the respective websites for more information (for the women’s group, call the church office):
Cocaine Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous