The artwork at the front of our church summarizes some of the key points of our faith.
In the central position on the altar we have a statue of the risen Christ extending hands of blessing (see top picture).
The upper window to the right of the altar illustrates the Christian view of the threefold nature of God: named traditionally Father, Son and Holy Spirit, i.e., Trinity (see middle picture).
The upper window to the left of the altar depicts Martin Luther’s coat of arms, a summary of Lutheran theology: that at the centre of Christian faith is God’s love manifested on the cross where Jesus died (see bottom picture).
The lower stained glass windows on both sides of the altar show Jesus knocking on the door asking to be invited in and Jesus as “the Good Shepherd”, caring for his followers (see middle and bottom bottom pictures).

Luther Rose above & Jesus knocking below
For more information about what we believe as Lutherans and as members of the ELCIC please click here.